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No Time for Social Media?

No time for social media? There are many reasons why you should and may not want too. Consider it will cost you if you don’t  Here are 12 reasons why you need to.

◆ Today your customers/clients expect to engage with you online – even if it’s to share thoughts, ideas, opinions or have a chat, with a messaging service.
◆ According to Harris Interactive Survey, “More than half 54% of all online adults said social media content has influenced their online transactions.”  Can your customers buy from you on-line?
◆ If you don’t have a Social Media Marketing strategy, you’ll soon have more time on your hands. Do a search “Consumer Behavior & Social Media” on Google to discover for yourself.
Watch this video
◆ Social media is word of mouth on steroids – referrals, viral, being the talk of the town, if you don’t know what they are saying how can you respond or improve your business?
◆ What’s your vision for your business – perhaps it’s time to write it down and make it BIGGER
◆ One thing we can learn from the Dell’s and Zappo’s social media implementations is to involve everyone. Dell uses a couple of hundred people in their efforts and Zappos has something like 90% of their employees tweeting.

Develop social media guidelines and engage and empower your employees across the board to take part. You may find yourself fielding a much richer, more meaningful, more rewarding social media experience as a result.
◆ You’ll have more time to market and attract new customers
◆ Are there new markets/niches that you could serve online?
◆ Check out David Meerman on Viral Marketing: How to Create a World Wide Rave
◆ Do a survey of what tools your customers/clients are using and start using them
◆ Which would you rather be in an 8 track player world? or Be in the IPod world?

These are a few points to consider in using Social Media Marketing in your business. Need support or help to get started? 

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