Change Agent, Advocate. Kindness. Marketing

Is Collaborating for you?

Is collaborating for you? Maybe or maybe not. You have to be willing to agree or give and take.

When I have shared a collaboration project like working on the book about Building your Business with Relationships. I didn’t get paid cash for my contribution, what I got was an opporunity to work with Marnie, some media exposure..and I made a few new friends. It was a lot easier to reach #1 on Amazon together rather than doing this solo.

What does collaboration mean?

When we take action, work with a group of people to produce something great to achieve a goal. By working together we realize a shared goal by sharing knowledge, learning and building consensus. Most collaboration requires leadership, although the form of leadership can be social within a decentralized and egalitarian group. In particular, teams that work collaboratively can obtain greater resources, recognition and reward when facing competition for finite resources.

If this collaborating, why don’t we do more of it?

I feel it’s because some of us are cut out to do this type of contribution, some of us think OMG, I’ll be working with my competitors I don’t want them to know about what I am doing!!

Or maybe you just don’tknow how to do it…I have been thinking of ways to put together a project that I could get more people on board with me. The book Kindness-Ripples is one of them.

If we have some projects that we would like to get a team together and work on them, then perhaps collaboration can happen with ease. What’s one goal do you have that you would like to work on?

One of the goals that I would like to get a group together for is help each of us make more money, this would make a difference in our own lives, make a difference for others and it would benefit our causes that we believe in. This collaborative project would mean we would each work together on it then we could either end this project or we could start another one. Out of this Joint Venture Partnership could also gather momentum.

When I was speaking to a new friend, we were saying of how many networking groups have good intentions, except after awhile they can become clicky or pitch fests. This is a big turn off for me.

If this resonates for you, I recommend that you start with an idea that will work for you and run with it.

Mari-Lyn Harris

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