Change Agent, Advocate. Kindness. Marketing

Oldies but the Goodies

This blog post is about the oldies but the goodies. After fixing over 500 broken links I got to see some great content.

Relationship, Marketing

The 14 ways to grow your list is with a CTA, meaning a- Call to Action..most recently mobile advertisers or text advertisers are offering workshops in how to get the attention of the the people who visit your site. Read more

I don’t have time to blog!
One of the many questions that I hear people say..”I don’t have the time to blog!” If you are a solo-entrepreneur there are many things “we” need to look after, however writing your blog takes priority.

How are you really inviting people to us in our business. Do you really invite?
Let me share with you in how I got on this topic. The other day in my Mastermind group we were talking about how some people feel uninvited, even if we invite people to join us. Read more.

Here are 10+ reasons why you want to collaborate. Those who choose not to pursue to collaborate, I believe are really short changing themselves and their organizations. Why do we think collaborating isn’t worth it?

Why should you consider having a Mentor/s.>Mentors are such a key aspect your personal and business life. In this post I’ll cover why you ought to seek out mentors, where you can find them and why. Read more

How to become happier. While I’m on my own journey of doing a self-discovery of who I am I woke up this morning, knowing that where I am today is perfect. read more

Social Circles are like gardens. This post I hope you get the “how to” create your own social circle. A social circle is about creating your own tribe or people you collaborate with. read more

My success stories using Social Media..
There are many success stories to share, for me I have gained more friends, gotten Radio interviews, TV interviews, developed collaborators for projects, like exchanging articles. From my Pie business through Social Media Marketing…now have my own Pie Cooking Channel; people want to be connected to me via Linkedin, I’ve had many opportunities. Read more

Not knowing the 8 ways to sabotage your B2B Relationships could leave you up the creek without a paddle. This is so important, if you decide to hire out. Read more


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