Ready for an Emergency?

Ready For An Emergency?

Ready for an Emergency? You are stuck in a storm, or there is a fire or an evacuation has been ordered, what do you take or leave behind? Plan ahead, be ready. This article was written by Brandy Barber,  I read this one morning when I woke up and couldn’t get back to sleep – …

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The Promise of Possibility

The Promise Of Possibility

The Promise of Possibility this begins with realization that transformation a dramatic change, it begins with silence with not knowing is a missing link in a positive future for humanity. It calls for embracing flow, and with it the belief that of all the wonders in the imagination of God, the heart of it, the …

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Actualizing your Dreams

Actualizing your Dreams quickly. Sure we would like them to happen without any obstacles..truthfully without them we would not feel good about the manifestation. You have dreams and goals, things you want to achieve and places you want to go. You have a vision for your life and the desire to make it a reality. …

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The Magic of Collaborative Entrepreneurship

The Magic Of Collaborative Entrepreneurship

The Magic of Collaborative Entrepreneurship: 10xTalk with Dan Sullivan and Joe Polish. It’s a podcast show available on Apple Podcast.  What is real Collaboration? Joe Polish and Dan Sullivan explore the power of collaboration in Entrepreneurship. They discuss how working with diverse individuals can lead to innovative projects, sharing Joe’s experience of restoring a ghost …

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Ready for a like-minded Community?

Ready For A Like-Minded Community?

Ready for a like-minded Community? Where we can all come together, get to know each other, learn, grow and we’ll increase our social proof. Plus, much more. For example,  in the Kindness Community I just started a monthly Coffee Hour, they happen the 1st Tuesday of each month. 9:00am.. Interested? Join the Kindness Village. In …

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Strategies for your Business Success

Strategies For Your Business Success

Strategies for your Business Success starts with smart marketing on a shoe-string budget. Marketing and Sales are essential to grow any business. Written by Gloria Martinez Marketing is an essential part of growing any business, yet many owners worry about the potential high costs associated with effective campaigns. From choosing the right channels to connecting …

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The Kindness Community

The Kindness Community

The Kindness Community, the ultimate vision for this online place is to create a place where kindness is the norm, and every individual feels a sense of belonging and purpose. It’s a community that exemplifies how living with kindness can lead to a more harmonious, supportive, and fulfilling life for everyone involved. It’s also a …

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Why not fund Safe Parking?

Why Not Fund Safe Parking?

Why not fund Safe Parking? If you have noticed that more people are being unhoused or displaced. If you own a vehicle where can you go to park safely and sleep? We have a national crisis of not enough housing that people can afford. The word “Affordable Housing,” is an overused word and it really …

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