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Is Word of Mouth Working for You?

Is word of mouth working for you?  When we experience something wonderful the we want to share it. By helping others we share their products or services.

Word of mouth (WOM), marketing campaigns happen if we get a gift or item we can use. Some companies will ask for reviewers to write about their products and services. Most often you don’t have to return the items, just keep using them. IT uses this analogy often. If you have ever gone to a conference, you get a bag, filled with product brochures and as you go along you pick up promotional items, like pens, USB ports, T-shirts, paperclip holders and the like.

Word of Mouth can either work for you or against you. “Social talk generates more than 3.3 billion brand impressions each day.” Can you you believe this? Each day! (According to Keller & Libai 2009)

What does make us talk about others?’s about what and who brings things to our attention..the suggestions come to us, as we want to be brilliant, sharp, intelligent so we share information. Who wants to be boring? We talk about things because we want to seem to be interesting.

For example:

You start talking about a conference, the trinkets you got some of the highlights that you liked or some of the presenters you didn’t like or what you didn’t agree with.

Valentines Day is coming up what are you chatting up about this day…the romance, chocolates, the flowers you got, or the specials you have heard about…on and on it goes.

You tried a great beer or wine, you start sharing this, or you discovered a great restaurant and you tell everyone you know about it..

Are samples or product giveaways really effective?

Giveaways might generate reciprocity or a positive affect, it is easier for people to learn about your product and share. Take for example food samples, I knew that when I sampled my pies, people would buy one. It was that 5 minute bite the converted them, following up with them, they said, “It was so delicious that they would share their experience with it with their friends.” The 5 minute test, was a way for me to convert samplers into buyers..and then get them to talk about their experience.

Some products get a great deal of buzz, “How do they do this?” or maybe the question should be “Why do companies use WOM to test their products?”

WOM is used quite often to test products, they get the buzz going, they can analyze their ROI the feedback from people will tell the company, whether this is going to work or not. It’s important as if affects diffusion and sales, as a result WOM campaigns have become a standard part of many companies’ marketing plans. The giveaways are more effective to create the buzz of the product.. over the long term it really depends upon the experience of people.

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