This is her story – could be you?
Every day her thoughts about nothing else but working more on her business and how to overcome her challenges now of growing her business.
But after a while, Jane started to doubt herself, working more on her business goals were feeling like she was in a a daydream.
One day Jane overheard a her self talk, “not good enough” saying “there was no way Jane would ever create a legacy of her business!”
Jane was so mad she could barely see straight and resolved to succeed by working more ON her business no matter what it took!
Unfortunately, reality quickly set in for Jane.
She was confronted by critical questions, including: “What she’s doing now that is working? “
Jane also had to face that fact that feeling like she is alone, wasn’t getting her anywhere either.
Finally, she needed to get past the false belief of fear and trusting her own intuition.
But, despite all that, Jane was determined to overcoming her negative self talk.
Then, as if by chance, Jane discovered the Visionary Roundtable Series – for small business owners that I have been inviting her to check out, a peer group for her business success.
She would have the ability to share her struggles and challenges in confidence, second benefit my offer helps her to overcome her challenges, and third benefit to identify where she needs to improve to be successful. A small business owner journey success.
Before she knew it, she could see having mulit-million dollar business and how she could “Unlock the secrets to becoming a successful Business Owner.”
Are you a new business owner who is overwhelmed?
All business owners have felt this way one time or another.. it’s lonely at the top. We get it, we’ve been there.
We are here to assist you in your journey of building your own small business. (BYOB) It’s called a Peer Advisory Group. It’s a safe space to discuss your businesses with other experienced and successful leaders who can offer objective feedback and advice.
You’d like this Right?
What to expect for a peer advisory group?
What we expect from you as a peer member
Possible topics:
Administration – Day to day operations
Human resources, payroll, taxes
Opportunies of Entrepreneurship
Financial aspects
Marketing & Social Media
Sales & Funnels
Websites & development
and any other topics you want to cover.
Does this sound like where you are now?
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