Are you stuck in your business? Stop to think about why you started your business. What were you hoping to achieve by starting your own business?
If you aren’t working on your business or not sure where you are heading ask for help. You are responsible for getting customers, into your business. Whatever vehicle you choose to use, you need to be accountable be a leader in your own company.
Here are a few ideas that that may help you to turn yourself around from being “Are You Stuck in Your Business?”
- Do you spend time asking questions?
Do you friend your clients? When you spend more time with your prospects, they’ll likely then want to join you. When you want more customers, you need to know what our sales cycle is.
If you close too early, it’s like being on a date for the 1st time, and they say to you, what to go to bed with me? The answer is likely NO! (there are exceptions to this rule). If you are asking this question, about let’s go to bed now, they are back peddling and can’t wait to get away from you.
The challenge I have found is that we are asking the wrong questions or we just don’t spend enough quality time with people for them to say to us, I’m in! Or for them to say “Tell me more.“
Another reason most people don’t join you because they don’t have the skills to what you want them to do.
For example “If you give someone a binder and say “Read this binder“, they read it, however, they may not know what to do next. If there is something you need them to do, you need to mentor or teach them the next steps.
2. Do you offer Webinars?
Workshops? Once you have established a program or someone who can do one on one training for’ll have more committed people who want to stay working with you and will help you grow your business.
You want each person you talk to say to you – “I’m in, now what?“
What process do you take them to?
They need confidence and the new skills to help you attract more people, more customers, etc. You have to show them how to jump in. Do you have a process or step by step way to become a Leader with you?
One of the most recent complaints I heard about was, people who want support for their events, but for whatever reason speakers won’t support or share other peoples events. Why not?
One gal told me it’s because everyone knows about me, “I want to speak to people who don’t know me.”
3. Empower people to share
First of all, how have you empowered people to promote the networking events? Posting an event and asking people to share it, doesn’t always work as they may not know how to share it. Your instructions have to be clear and concise in your instruction, is there is an incentive to share.
Or they feel they don’t know enough people to invite people to the next networking event. There are a couple of ways you can teach someone to share the networking events. Ask them individually if they know how to share the events. Put into place a benefit for them to share it.
4. Get a mentor or Coach
Get a mentor or coach and be willing to listen and take action or whatever steps that you need to take to grow and expand your business.
5. Fear isn’t always a bad thing
Fear is not always a bad thing. Fear or blame will not attain what we want. What is it that you really want to have happen? Ask yourself, “How can I change my fears to make it work for me right now?“
Take a deep breathe, mediate and think about what you want to have happen. Think about your situation, put a smile on your face and ask yourself what is really important for you right now.
Form a team of supporters, like an advisory board who will help you through whatever you feel that is stopping you from having the success you want. Look for opportunities that will help you advance your business.
I was going to the CEO Space networking meetings in Phx , I kept going to their free meetings and after each meeting the club president would call me to say, what do you need next? This actually helped me to clarify what I really needed to do next. About two weeks ago, the CEO of this Entrepreneur club spoke privately to me, and said, “This is what we can do to help you…” I’ll share all the cool things at a later date with you. I was in.
You see there are people and resources that can help you get unstuck. However, you have to decide to get unstuck. and not be in this space, to consider who else or Are You Stuck in Your Business?
In re-capping set goals to be more communicative to your customers and staff:
1. Ask more questions – befriend them.
2. Ask them why they aren’t joining you, what’s your process?
3. Empower people to help you more
4. Get a mentor or coach 5. Fear isn’t a bad thing
We all get rusty sometimes, a refresher is all that is what we need.
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