Here’s your Kindness book

Here’s your kindness book. When you read Kindness@Work we encourage you to share it with your friends.

We love to pay Kindness Forward. We hope you will too.

Kindness@WOrk book cover

Click on the link Kindness@Work to download the book the KI******@Wo**.pdf“>KINDNESS@Work.

Ready to do a 30 day experiment of putting Kindness to the test?

Everyday to do a simple act of kindness 3x per day until the end of 30 days. That’s 90 kind acts per person per month. Our goal is to have 30 people to repeat this exercise to help us to achieve world kindness. Get the picture? I believe that we could easily have World Kindness in no time flat.

  • What if we decided to take on bullying in our schools. What if kind deeds were practiced rather than hitting or beating someone up?
  • What if rather than gossiping in a negative way, you could catch someone doing good and gossip about this?
  • What if the schools or students took on this project to help stop bullying?

Being mean is cruel. Being kind is “cool”. “Be kind, smile, laugh it’s good for your immune system.”   The Mental Health Association, used this slogan, to start a campaign to stop bullying in 2005.

A kind word or deed can reduce stress and have a very positive effect on the immune system” said, “Dr. Susan Abbey of the Heart & Stroke Foundation of Canada”.

Need some more ideas, to show your appreciation or kindness? Check out these pages.

Kindness ideas

Bless you,

Mari-Lyn Harris

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