Started in Edmonton, AB Canada in 2000 and 2001. Now that it’s 18 years later it’s time to begin again. We all need the courage to be kind.
The next few pages are about Kindness, why it’s so important and what role can we all play in having more empathy, kindness and care in our lives.
I created the Kindness Conferences as I wanted to be of service, I wasn’t thinking about Kindness whatsoever. I was just in a place of my life, that I was in the middle of a transition. Just wondering what’s next? In my surrendering, I ask God what can I do? The answer was “Kindness” – Kindness Conferences. “What?” Never mind I did ask, “What can I do to be of service.”
Once I got settled in Edmonton, I began to ask people to join me. Colleen Ring and Debbie Riopel had started a group “Random Acts of Kindness” of which they really helped me to get the conference going. You’ll see they were already working with a kindness program in schools. My focus for the conferences was to open up the dialogue, the conversation for kindness in business about how we treat other people and ourselves.
In 2000 the conference was held at the Jubilee Auditorium in one of their stage rooms. We had several speakers, testimonials and celebrated with those who were there.
In 2001 the Kindness Hero Awards where launched you can read more about these on the other Kindness Award Pages
It wasn’t until this week, some of the pictures that I collected from years ago are being posted on the other pages about the awards.
I hope you enjoy reading about them. It’s been several years now and I don’t remember all the people in the pictures, with your help please let me know who they are so I can add there names.
Kind regards,
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