You’ll discover projects that you can collaborate with and who know’s where it will take you. I like Oprah’s quote “When we know better, we do better.”
The Master Mind™ Principle is a scientific method of focusing the power of thought for the specific purpose of establishing a direct connection with the Master Mind As a result, thousands of people have demonstrated dramatic, positive changes in their lives, and have experienced happy, successful living.
Why would you consider joining a Prosperity Mastermind Group?
Now more than even in today’s climate and the emerging new economy have new rules. We need to consider other ways to attract prosperity, a new mindset, additional revenue streams. Different way to get clients and customers.
Would you like to increase your prosperity now?
Whether you’re just starting out in business, or if you are frustrated that your old ways of attracting money or clients is not working. Joining this group is the best decision you’ll ever make.
The group will be of like-minded, success-focused, positive people, as there are infinite possibilities, creativity and resources to be shared. Often times, we cannot see what’s missing in our own life. It’s extremely valuable to have someone else to point out our blind spots or offer us solutions, you would not have thought of by ourselves.
Today, ‘Masterminding’ is quite simply a requirement!
With such laser focus on your prosperity, you’ll profit like never before and you’ll never be alone with the “combined mind” concept. The Empowerment Series understands that success is a process. Entrepreneurs want to get fresh ideas, bounce their ideas off others, and bridge the gap between ‘idea’ and ‘implementation’. Know that what you are sharing is confidential. You’ll be surrounded by real doers. Everyone will cheer you on and want you to win.
Most often referrals, partnerships and recommendations come out of working in a group, this will benefit all the members. Whether you are looking for business growth or personal development, the power of a Mastermnd group fits with each buisness owner’s need, desires and habits. You’ll also arrive at your goal or destination much faster. This is great for people who are impatient in getting results.
This group will begin every second Thursday afternoon at 4:00pm PST via a Telephone conference call. Limited to six people. Each call is 60-75 minutes.
The members of the group will provide ideas and challenge you in what you are working on each week:
Meetings are every second week, of small 6-8 people per group. The reason for a small groups it gives you an opportunity to really get to know each other, every person is expected to contribute to the group and support one another. You will also have a Facilitator – Mari-Lyn to guide you along. It is recommended that you join for a minimum of three months.
Special Offer For this group is ONLY $185.00/month for 60 – 90 minutes.
If you aren’t sure yet – Ask yourself:
Are you willing to say “Yes, to yourself?” This Master Class, new dates will be set in April.. stay tuned.. It will be offered in our new community..
We’ll see you soon! Look forward in helping you to transform yourself and your goals.
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