Come Dance With Me

Is Your Website or Blog Dead?

Come dance with me, came to having dance partners. Did you know that by Blogging you are attracting people who want to know more about client attraction?

Yep, you can call it Client Attraction, Dance partners, or Fans.

It’s just not a on line journal. It can be your news magazine, your business model, it can be made into landing pages and much more. The challenge for most of us is to decide on it’s purpose.

Even some people still think you need a static page, I would prefer to have my site more interactive than static. After all, social media is about engaging and interacting with your audience. It’s pretty hard to do that with a static site.

If you want to add a blog to your static website, you can do this by asking your IP to install the software for you. Some are one click installs.

Here’s some blogging resources to get started blogging:

1. is where you can start a blog online – web based2. is where you can download the software, they offer a few hosting companies if you don’t have one.3. Register your blog at the  Friendship blogs  

4. British Blogs directory
5. Subscribe to other blogs of topics that you are interested in 
6. Ask for contributors for content for your blog – this will help you build your readership and it will help you to do research to write about topics that you are interested in.
7. Wiki is another place to get some information about blogging
8. Make sure to go to Feedburner or FeedBlitz and get people to subscribe to your feeds via RSS
9. Be a Kind Blogger – mind your manners.
10. If you are going to swipe content from another blogger give credit to them, otherwise you will appear to be a spammer. 

11. Make your blog into a catalogue

12. Check out Tumbler

13. Search for blog/s via a category in a directory

14. Fashion blogs to follow or submit yours

There are several marketing articles related to writing blog posts on this site, you can read .

 If you enjoyed this post of resources be sure to subscribe to the blog.


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