How to Attract More Clients

video marketing

How to attract more clients, hasn’t changed much over the years – it’s just in the tools you use that help you to reach your audience.


Like a FREE Tele-Seminar Series
Discover through the FREE Tele-Seminars Series of How to Attract More Clients, make more money and learn how to keep your customers. Success comes from having a Road Map.

I am a Marketing Strategist first and foremost. Inbound Marketing is one of tools in the toolbox. Everyone is welcome to come but the rule is: Everyone Participates.

Are you an expert? You want more clients? Again, this will be limited because the goal for all my Tele-seminars is that everyone gets an ah-ha, a revelation or be inspired. The Tele-seminars scheduled usually fill up in about 5 days. Not hype.. just letting you know in case you need to think about it – procrastination is OK.

I know your time is valuable. Mine is as well. We will tackle that which has been a barrier to you. No worries. I have done this before. 🙂

What: How to Get More Clients
Your Host:  Mari-Lyn Harris
Where: At your home or office: on the phone
When: Time & Date
Why: For you to have a profitable and successful business
Investment: Zero – It’s free to attend.

“What is your why for you to do this or for people to join you.

I did them in a series of people and what the topics were about.. It worked well.

August 12 – Toni Recce will share a visual coaching framework that is used internationally based on the word PEOPLE.
P-performance – what does great look like?
E-Efficacy – what is blocking their power to get to that great?
O – Ownership – what are they truly accountable for? Responsible for and who do they need to be responsive to when it comes to their business/greatness? P- Possibilities – what is possible for them when they get there?
L – Linkage – how do they align everything they are doing (their greatness) to their values, their goals and
E – Evidence – how will they know they are there.

August 19 – Stan Aaronson Branding – Your Branding Experience – Put more money in your pocket by adding value to the Brand Experience your customers.

August 25 – Lita Cox on “How Feng Shui can attract and repel getting more clients.”

September 2 – Barry Smith on “How I built a niche specific Yahoo Group of 3200 members and how I make money with this group.”

Can’t attend the live event? You must register to get a free audio play of the calls. After you register you will receive via e-mail the call in information.


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