Creating a high performing organization, here are six things you need to consider for having a great organization for the betterment of all.
James Davis says:
The key to a high performing organization is a strong culture. You need to have the basics in place. These basics are Engagement, Satisfaction, Confidence, and Loyalty. If you build the basics, you will find the rest coming into place.
You need to think about the value proposition of hard work and performance for your employees, and how your organizational goals can be made to align with employee goals.
Chet Nichols says:
- Take people out for coffee in the morning and just get out of the office. Rule is, though, we can’t talk about business. My teams have loved this.
- This is a little bit of “tough love”, but I have a standing rule when we are brain storming or thought showering and it is this: The word “NO” is NEVER allowed in any of these sessions. Also, ANY stupid idea is MOST welcome so we can put it up on the white board. I really press for this because that stupid idea may be “Blocking” a great idea.
- I let people know that I am there to help them be their best and not to tell them what to do.
Mark Herbert says:
I have devoted the last few years of my career as both an executive and consultant to helping organizations develop and implement fully integrated employee engagement strategies.
The results have been impressive including significant improvement in all key performance indicators and ancillary benefit in employee recruitment and retention, savings in health care expenditures, etc. I think the key is that my approach has been systemic rather than systematic. I created a model some years back I call C2C or moving from a compliance model to a commitment model. It works!
Bob Panic says:
The best thing that I have personally done to create high-performing organizations (other than leading by example), is the development of my Kinetic Enterprise Methodology.
The Kinetic Enterprise Method is a proven set of implementable actions and strategies that deliver Kinetic Enterprises, ones that create high performing individuals able to continually evolve with the needs and demands of the client and embrace change. But the creation of a high performers is a top-to-bottom and a bottom-to-top approach and must include every one from the Board of Directors, CEO and executive management to the cleaners! Every aspect of the enterprise, from a holistic view, must me taken into account to create a high performing organisation.
Starting essentials:
- From the top down, every manager needs to be onboard. Empower your employees to do what’s right.
- Teach the concept of win-win, everyone must win for the organization to win. Recognize, celebrate and reward successes.
- Team build and problem solve with your vendors.
- Cross train employees, on a voluntary basis, to do multiple jobs and reward them for learning more.
- Eliminate waste/mistakes with best procedures and simplified production and correct mistakes, not punish them.
- Pick your leader(s) based on buy-in and passion rather then previous position… you never know where your heroes will come from.
- Accept the fact that not everyone will buy-in to change and move those who oppose it out of the way but don’t punish them.
- One important addition – Training – for everyone on everything about the changes
Kenneth Larson says:
- Knowing how much leadership to offer and how much to let the individuals grow on their own.
- Trying to strike the right balance between specific and generic guidance so the unique individual traits of the workers come through in the business model and solutions to problems, system design and success of the firm are derived from the people running the enterprise.
- Managing constructively by fostering an environment respectful of all points of view but lead by driving to fulfilling progressive objectives as a first priority and blending differences of opinion decisively.
Vasco Phillip de Sousa says:
Especially in big organizations, each collaborator is assigned to well defined tasks and is not entitled to mind anything outside. Thus, if you aim to obtain a high-performing organization, you must diffuse a collaborative culture which may only be endorsed by the top level: this will progressively go down and afterwards useful insights and initiatives will come from any level even the cleaner’s one. Culture is a necessary condition but is not sufficient: you must set up a suitable organization, workflows and rules underpinned by an information system and various incentives/rewards.
Can’t say it any better than these guys, this is only if you want to look at creating a high performing organization
P.S. Here’s a more indepth version
How to have High Performing Organizations