Relationship Marketing Mastermind is about you upping your game to make a stronger connection to your clients/customers, learning how to create more referrals and higher engagement.

Only a few businesses understand how valuable customer engagement and loyalty are. And even fewer truly commit to building engagement and loyalty, customer by customer by customer. But a company of any size can build true financial success and stability through customer loyalty. Businesses with loyal customers grow faster than others when times are good, and they have the most breathing room when times are bad.

The relationship marketing mastermind will take you through the process of creating a plan that will work for you to increase customer engagement, thus increase your sales.

If you are ready for more sales and referrals join this mastermind group. Check out the other Mastermind groups

It’s a 8 week program that meets on a weekly basis. It will start with where you are now and where you want to get to. Everyone will be working on their own plan or strategy while receiving ideas from each other and I’ll be guiding you along the way.

It’s priced so you can simply join this group and pay a monthly subscription. If you would like to arrange for another payment plan, please reach out to me.

Don’t forget to get my Relationship Marketing ebook.


Monthly subscriptions
Be kind to yourself

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