Appreciating someone with a Kindness Hero Award, we all talk about appreciating people in our lives, our co-workers, employees, volunteers even perhaps our bosses.
Most often its just a Thank you note, or we say it casually as we are talking with them. The best way to make a big difference is simply nominating them for an award. I started doing the Kindness Hero Awards in 2000 and continued to do them until people quit nominating someone.
Brian Schulman, one of the guys I interviewed in my podcast series, suggested that I relaunch it and give one away every week on LinkedIn. There was just one problem with that, I need help from other people to help me to find people to give the award too. When I did the awards many years ago – people received a heart with their name on it.
Something tangible is always a nice way to show off their award. Just this month, October I decided to just do it once a month, using my nomination form. Maybe even get someone to sponsor the awards, small hearts to give to the people who win them. Eventually, have an award night.. this would be cool.
November 13, is World Kindness Day, this used to be the award evening.. lets get it going for 2022.. In the meantime, let’s nominate the people that you feel that deserve to be nominated now! Those of whom you wish to appreciate.
If you aren’t aware of the Podcast Series I have going on – Bringing together speakers, trainers together who will share their experiences in the space of creating a happier culture for better productivity. It’s like a conference only it’s digital.
Topics are be about productivity, profits, leading with kindness and the workplace culture. Audience is for CEO’s, Business Owners and Non-profit Leaders. If you are interested in being on the show, let me know. You can listen to the calls at:
I believe we all like to be praised and people appreciating us. On the weekend, where I work, I had a couple of people come over to get a cup of coffee – I am chatting them up and the coffee machines, and what they are shopping for (beds and furniture) Evelyn was so busy she had 5 people waiting for her.
She sent them over to get a coffee while they are waiting for her. It was cute, as they both insisted that I should have a tip jar. I don’t as its a part of my job to invite to to take at look at ______. They got a cup, called it my tip jar and put money into it. They said, “Yes I am doing my job, however you are engaging us into conversation having fun with us.” It was their appreciation of me..
One of ways to get more appreciation and praise is to start praising yourself. When you do, you’ll start to feel better about yourself. You have a choice – to feel better or not, about you.
- I’m smart, I so appreciate myself
- I’m enough – I matter
- I’m brilliant and smart
- I’m amazing, I have a lots of energy
- I appreciate what I do everyday
If you have someone you want to appreciate or any other ideas, please leave a comment, would love to know more about your ideas. Want to nominate someone for a kindness hero award? Just go to nominate a kindness hero

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