Change Agent, Advocate. Kindness. Marketing

How to Stay Engaged with People

How to Stay Engaged with People is about writing this new post on Staying Engaged with people who are prospects, clients, fans, or just people you know through Social Media.


I realized that it does all become harder to stay above board and keep up with every tool or accessory that is supposed to help you. I have come to the place that you really can’t keep a Solo-Entrepreneur who needs clients just like you, I have begun to unsubscribe from many newsletters, e-zines etc.

What I have found is most people aren’t saying anything new..just repeating what someone else has discovered. The latest thing is now how Google is going to rank your website. You know what? Just keep writing great content and you’ll get great results.

Now onto what CRM or Customer Relationship Management tools that can help you to stay in engaged with people. Wiki basically says its a Strategy for managing your companies interactions with your customers, clients, sales prospects etc. If you use a software platform it will help you manage better by keeping your actives in check. If you are not managing, measuring and valuing your relationships with people you will quickly lose them. I have written about this many times..You need to ask yourself if this is really important to you or not before you invest any time in keeping a contact management program or invest in one. If you don’t want to, don’t bother.

I have discovered over the past few months by doing my own research to find a MAC program that I can use and be effective. I am trying out Contactizer Pro 2. Well, there just isn’t very many options. However, if you have a PC operate on Windows, then your options are better. Here’s some comparisons for you.

What I have found that works for me so far is Full Contact[maxbutton id=”1″ url=”” ] –

I just figured out a way to use Tags or Filters to help me organize people in my Social Circles. It will aggregate my social media tools like Twitter, Facebook and Linkedin, and pull my contacts information so I can follow them, stay a little more in touch with them as well.

SugarCRM runs from $30./month up to $100/mos. They used to be open-source and now they got some VC Funding.

ZOHO is for PC’s their plan is about $300.00/month, if you have a bigger enterprise you can use SalesForce for about $1,600.00/month.

Here’s the basic low down on what is available for Customer Relationship Management tools.

By all means share with me, what your 45 day goals are for your business on Facebook or leave a comment below this post.

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