Change Agent, Advocate. Kindness. Marketing

These 12 ways can help you to leave a lasting impression

These 12 ways can help you to leave a lasting impression. People are buying trust and you are selling trust.  Be prepared to make a good first impression, your success rate will go way up.

1. Motto, “Never talk too much, and listen carefully” is the key!  If you talk lot sends the signal to your company, prospect or client that they are unimportant and that you aren’t interested in them or their needs.

2. People are buying trust and you are selling trust.  Be prepared to make a good first impression, your success rate will go way up.  Get your foot in the door show them that you are the right person for them.

3. Show that you care about them first. Show interest in learning about them as a person.

4. Ask questions at networking event don’t make it about what they do at a job or business, make it social. If it’s a client meeting ask them what they need and want, explore further.

5. Good grooming, be neatly dressed, it will give them the confidence that you are professional.

6. Firm handshake, genuine smile, active listener and good preparation

7. To be memorable is to be distinctive, this sets you apart.

8. Leave people feeling better about themselves than before they met you, and you’ll leave lasting impressions.

9. Just being yourself. Plus, I always remember my mother telling me to be nice to people

10. Its not about who you know or what you want to be known for, it’s how you can help the other person.

11. Remember their name and call them by their name don’t shorten it, unless they tell you can. My name is Mari-Lyn it’s not Mary, or Lynn or Mary ann etc. Now I just tell people if you can’t pronounce it correctly then use ML. I won’t answer to any other names. People sometimes think I am rude.. Dale Carnegie said, “That by calling people by their name will help you to become trusted and liked.

12. Send Thank you notes after a meeting. Every 3 to 6 months just send a short email or mail a note that just says: Thinking of you!

BONUS: Come from a place of openness, respect and curiosity about the other – who are they, what do they truly want for themselves and their business and ask how can I help?


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